HFS AID offered complimentary medical kits to individuals coping with a range of medical condition’s, granting them a one-month supply of prescribed medication’s as per the recommendation’s of their healthcare provider. This support helped to facilitate and enhance their treatment. Additionally, financial assistance was extended to individuals struggling with a variety of fatal diseases including cancer, kidney, and liver ailments to help alleviate the financial burdens associated with their medical care.

Help to raise valuable donations for Kids

£2,345 Raised £18,000 Goal
June 28, 2021
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Donation Total: £100.00

A New Album by Rebecca: Help poor people

£3,225 Raised £50,000 Goal
July 31, 2017
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Donation Total: £100.00

South African Pre Primary School Build

£394 Raised £32,000 Goal
July 31, 2017
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Donation Total: £100.00